The Iona Institute was founded in 2006. We promote the place of marriage and religion in society. We are one of the most high profile organisations of our type in Ireland and we have been involved in some of the most important debates about marriage, the right to life from conception until natural death and the place of religion in Irish life. We believe strongly in the enduring value of denominational schools. We highlight the growing body of evidence showing that religious practice is associated with improved physical and mental health, more giving of time and money to charity, higher rates of marriage, lower rates of divorce, and higher fertility levels, among other pro-social behaviours. We publish position papers, organise talks and conferences, commission research and opinion polls into areas relevant to our work. We are active both in the mainstream and social media.
The founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Iona Institute is David Quinn, who is also a religious and social affair commentator who has been a prominent national newspaper columnist since 1994.