- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Ben Conroy on Today FM and LMFM debating same-sex marriage

Iona Institute spokesperson Ben Conroy appeared on LMFM’s Michael Reade show debating same-sex marriage with Tiernan Brady of GLEN, and on Today FM’s The Last Word discussing the same issue.

Conroy argued that equality was not the same thing as “sameness” and that recognising difference led to more equality, not less. He pointed out that while we increasingly strive for gender balance in politics and business, the case for same-sex marriage claims that this men and women bring nothing unique and irreplacable to parenting.

He also highlighted efforts to deny the conscience rights of same-sex marriage opponents, from the Ashers Bakery case in Northern Ireland [1] to that of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich [2], who was forced to resign for opposing same-sex civil marriage.

A podcact of the Michael Reade show is available here [3] (right-click to download):

Item begins at 0:46:20

The Last Word discussion can be listened back to here [4].

Click here for this media file… [5]