Press Releases

Commission proposals another attack on ethos of faith schools

Press Release from the Iona Institute Commission proposals another attack on ethos of faith schools November 17, 2016 – A new submission from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission in response to the ‘Education (Admissions to Schools) Bill 2016’ amounts to an attack on the rights and ethos of faith schools of all types,...


Plan for subsidised childcare is inherently unfair and unjust

Press Release from the Iona Institute Plan for subsidised childcare is inherently unfair and unjust State must support choices of all parents not just day-care September 16, 2016–  Reports that the State is considering a “radical new plan for subsidising childcare” are extremely concerning because if the State goes down this path, then it will...


Proposal to reduce time for RE is another attack on denominational schools

Press Release from the Iona Institute Proposal to reduce time for RE is another attack on denominational schools July 26, 2016 – A draft proposal by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) to reduce the two and a half hours allocated by primary schools each week to the teaching of religion is another...


New paper highlights huge marriage divide between the social classes

Press Release from the Iona Institute New paper highlights huge marriage divide between the social classes Two-thirds of upper professional workers are married but less than a third of unskilled workers June 17, 2016– A new report from The Iona Institute called ‘Mind the Gap’, shows that upper professional workers are more than twice as...


‘Ireland should recognise persecution of Christians by ISIS as a form of genocide’ says leading campaigner

Press release from The Iona Institute ‘Ireland should recognise persecution of Christians and other religious minorities by ISIS as a form of genocide’ says leading campaigner April 7, 2016 – The Irish Government should formally recognise as genocide the persecution of Christians and other religious minorities at the hands of ISIS, a leading campaigner on behalf of...


New Dáil must respect a child’s right to a mother

Ireland’s new Dáil has been urged to respect the right of every child to a mother by a leading psychiatrist. Ahead of the annual celebration of Mother’s Day, Professor Patricia Casey of the Iona Institute accused the previous administration of depriving children of the right to a mother and a father through the Children and...


Abolition of Rule 68 another attack on the rights of faith-based schools

Press release from The Iona Institute  The unilateral decision by Education Minister, Jan O’Sullivan, to abolish Rule 68, is another attack on the rights of faith-based schools. Rule 68 helps to protect the ethos of faith-schools. Commenting on the decision, David Quinn of the Iona Institute said: “This is yet another attack on the rights...


Demand for non-religious schools is very low, says Church of Ireland Education Secretary

Press release from The Iona Institute  Around 200 primary schools throughout the country out of the existing 3,300 schools would serve the needs of parents who want a non-religious education for their children, according to the Secretary of the Church of Ireland Board of Education, Dr Ken Fennelly. Dr Fennelly will make the remarks tonight...


National conversation needed about the future of marriage

Press release from The Iona Institute Both sides in campaign need to enter conversation about how to strengthen marriage  Government should spell out how it will address concerns of those who voted No There are now clearly two very different views in Irish society about the nature of marriage. However, it remains a fact that...


Congratulations to the Yes side on their win

Press release from The Iona Institute We are proud to have helped represent the hundreds of thousands of people who voted No We would like to congratulate the Yes side on winning such a handsome victory in the marriage referendum. They fought a very professional campaign that in truth began long before the official campaign started....

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