The Iona Blog

Chief Rabbi Sacks’ scathing denunciation of attacks on male circumcision

It is scarcely believable that there is a growing threat to the practice of religiously motivated male circumcision in Europe. A fierce debate has erupted over the practice, chiefly in Germany following a court decision there against it. However, curbs have also been placed on it in certain Swiss and Austrian hospitals. In addition, we...


A searing new report on radically dysfunctional families

A major new report on Britain’s most dysfunctional families commissioned by the British Government in the aftermath of last year’s riots makes for disturbing reading but much of it is depressingly familiar. Quite apart from the accounts of serial physical and sexual abuse, it’s the casual neglect of children and the failure of mothers to...


How the morning-after pill has put more pressure on women

When we made the morning-after-pill available from pharmacists without the need for a doctor’s prescription the change took place without any debate. We never asked whether the number of unwanted pregnancies would come down as a result, or what effect it would have on women’s health, or the effect it would have on sexual behaviour....


How lone parenthood widens income inequality

‘That was the sexual revolution for her. Men willing to sleep with her, but not willing to build a family’. Even The New York Times is starting to cotton on to the fact that the high number of births that take place outside marriage is a problem. Last week it ran a big feature examining...


Do children raised by religious parents fare better?

Sometimes, in a culture which often seems to be overwhelmingly anti-religious, parents of faith must feel that raising their children in their religion is an uphill climb. So it’s encouraging to see that there is evidence that the struggle is worth it. This piece, from Family Edge, an Australian website, shows that children raised by...


Name-calling could make debate on same-sex marriage impossible

Let’s dispel a key myth about this current “debate” about same-sex marriage.  Should such a time comes for a referendum, there will be no debate, not a rational one at any rate.   Briefly, a debate is when two parties present their arguments for and against a motion respectively, and the motion is voted upon...


David Quinn debates same-sex marriage on Prime Time

David Quinn and Moninne Griffith of Marriage Equality debate the issue of same-sex marriage on RTE’s Prime Time. You can watch the discussion here. (The item starts at 22 minutes and 45 seconds into the programme. David’s contribution starts at 28 minutes in.)


David Quinn and Ivana Bacik debate same-sex marriage

Iona Institute director, David Quinn, and Senator Ivana Bacik debated the issue of same-sex marriage on Today with Pat Kenny yesterday. The debate quickly centred on whether or not children should ideally be raised by their own mother and father. You can listen to the debate by clicking here.


Mr Gilmore and the “Separation of Church and State”

Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore’s (pictured) speech on Sunday, as well as distorting the true meaning of personal freedom also used another theme to advance his socially radical agenda. Issues like same-sex marriage, embryonic stem cell research and the rollback of religious education were part of a mission to complete “the separation of Church and State” he...


Eamon Gilmore’s distorted view of “personal freedom”

Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore’s speech on Sunday got many headlines for coming out in support of same-sex marriage. But his remarks about personal freedom also deserve some attention. Mr Gilmore said that his party parted company from the European liberal tradition “on matters of economics, and in particular on the freedom of markets but had “always...