The Iona Blog

Gay activists force Apple to censor Christian statement

The Manhattan Declaration is a pro-marriage, pro-life, pro-religious freedom statement signed by dozens of Christian leaders in the  United States and by thousands of ordinary Christians. It has inspired similar declarations in other countries, for example the Westminster Declaration and the Canberra Declaration. Inevitably the Manhattan Declaration has been condemned by gay rights groups as...


Tax and the war on stay-at-home wives

As noted in the last blog-post, the Government’s four-year plan unveiled this week represents yet another attack on that most despised of all breeds, the stay-at-home married woman. Having already attacked the one-income married family through tax individualisation, the four-year plan will now erode the remaining tax differential between one-income married families and single people....


‘Get to work’, Government/IMF tell mothers

The new four-year plan unveiled yesterday will impose a heavier burden on one-income married couples than on single people. This is direct attack on stay-at-home mothers and appears to be a sop to the IMF, the European Commission and the OECD all of which want women to enter the workforce and children to be placed...


Charity or tolerance: which is better?

Robert Putnam of ‘Bowling Alone’ fame has co-authored a new book with David E Campbell called ‘American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us’. Its findings are that religious people are more charitable and non-religious people are more tolerant. Here’s my question, which is better for society, charity or tolerance? Of course, a person can...


Defending Catholic ethos: a teacher’s view

I have recently retired after spending thirty five years as a Secondary school teacher in Ireland all of it spent in Catholic schools. I thank you for highlighting the possible dangers contained in the Teaching Council’s Code of Professional Conduct which I feel may not be fully appreciated by Boards of Management or school Principals...


Abortion providers target conscience rights

We don’t normally comment on abortion on this blog and in fact this blog isn’t really about abortion at all, but rather about the conscience rights of doctors and of medical institutions like hospitals and the attempt by abortion supporters to severely curtail if not eliminate those rights. A few weeks ago the Parliamentary Assembly...


Does preschool really make kids more moral?!

A report in today’s Irish Times suggests that children who are preschooled don’t just do better economically and educationally, but also grow up to be more moral. They quote Dr Larry Schweinhart, who carried out research on a preschool scheme launched in the 1960s. According to this research, children who attend preschool are less likely...


Nov 8 10 A Catholic headmaster’s fight against political correctness

Thank you for highlighting the issue of the proposed new professional code for Irish teachers, with all its inherent dangers for Christian teachers in your most recent e-letter. It reminds me an issue that I faced in London some years ago. Back in September 1986 some of the more strident London Labour controlled councils began...


New Teaching Code has serious implications for religious freedom

Very few people will be aware of the Teaching Council of Ireland or its Code of Professional Conduct. The code could have potentially far-reaching and worrying implications for the teaching of religion in our schools. Number four of the code tells teachers that they must “interact” with students in a manner that does not “discriminate”...


Are the kids really alright?

The movie the chattering classes are talking about at the moment is ‘The kids are alright’, about a lesbian couple and their children via a sperm donor. It’s based on a true story and the message of the movie is in the title. According to the Sims IVF clinic here in Ireland, about 15pc of...