The Iona Blog

The latest terrible abuse case (David Quinn)

Yet another horrendous abuse case has come to public attention, this one involving the abuse and neglect of six children by their mother. The family first came to the attention of the relevant health board in 1989. It wasn’t until 2000 that an attempt was made to remove the children from the mother’s care. Why...


Britain, children’s rights and child protection

Children’s charities insist that we need a children’s rights referendum in order to better enable the State to protect children. They claim the Irish Constitution too strongly favours parents over children, although as Justice Adrian Hardiman correctly points out, it strongly favours parents over the State. Britain does not have a written constitution let alone...


Why have US teen pregnancies started rising again?

Maggie Gallagher, writing on a US website, National Review, points out that there has been an uptick in the number of teen births in the last couple of years in that country. In short, she hasn’t got an answer for why, but she does comprehensively rebut the suggestion that abstinence programmes or religious objections to...


Absent fathers – another view on SVP remarks

The very important remarks of SVP regional head Brendan Delaney on absent fathers again highlight the importance of children having both their mother and their father. Why are they absent? In some cases it is because the father wants nothing to do with his children. In other cases the mother doesn’t want him to have...

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