The Iona Blog

Government doubles down on what amounts to commercial surrogacy

By Dr Angelo Bottone

A Bill that will allow surrogacy is currently being debated in the Seanad as it reaches the final stages of approval. The Government tells us it will not recognise commercial surrogacy, but in fact it will do so by allowing big payments to surrogate mothers under the heading “reasonable expenses”. The Assisted Human Reproduction Bill...


The number of abortions in Britain reaches a new high

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The number of abortions carried out in England and Wales in 2022 rose to its highest ever, according to new data, while births continued to decline. More than a quarter of pregnancies are now terminated before birth. According to the latest official statistics, there were 251,377 abortions in 2022, reflecting a huge 17pc increase over...


David Quinn discusses proposed changes to the primary school curriculum

David Quinn was on Newstalk Breakfast on June 6th discussing proposed changes to the primary school curriculum including the new emphasis on what amounts to political activism and also the removal of the aim of “fostering a sense of Irish identity”. You can listen to the item here.


English bishops issue guidance to voters ahead of UK General Election

By Dr Angelo Bottone

A General Election is due to take place in the UK on July 4. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) have issued comprehensive guidance for voters ahead of the election. It applies Catholic social teachings to the issues of the day. The guidance emphasises the need to prioritise gospel values and the...


Religion and spirituality receive short shrift in new primary school curriculum

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), an advisory body for the Minister of Education, is currently tasked with reviewing the 1999 Primary School Curriculum. One of the proposed changes is the almost complete removal of spirituality and religion as an aspect of human existence from the ‘wellbeing’ course. In this blog I will...


Irish medical bodies almost uniformly against euthanasia

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The Irish Medical Council recently dropped from its ethical guidelines the prohibition on doctors deliberately killing their patients. It is hard to believe they are not paving the way for euthanasia. However, they made this change without properly consulting their members. However, most of the bodies representing the medical profession in Ireland remain firmly opposed....


The organisation that offers abortion ceremonies

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Recently, this blog revealed the rapid increase in what might broadly be called ‘New Age’ wedding ceremonies in Ireland presided over by various non-denominational organisations. But wedding services are not all they provide. At least one group offers ceremonies to mark abortion, divorce, and “preparation for dying”. It would have been also unimaginable until very...


The huge rise of ‘New Age’ weddings in Ireland

By Dr Angelo Bottone

While the number of Catholic marriages in Ireland is steeply declining, new data released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) highlights the rise of ceremonies belonging to “other religious denominations”, to use the CSO’s term. Now, you might think this means Muslim ceremonies, or perhaps those that take place in African Pentecostal churches, but these...


The minority report of the Oireachtas euthanasia Committee

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The introduction of euthanasia in Ireland could lead to the closure of care homes and have an ill effect on the healthcare system, according to the minority report from the members of the Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying. A government seeking savings in the healthcare system could favour assisted suicide over comprehensive end-of-life medical treatments,...


RTE’s hopelessly unbalanced review of Ireland’s abortion law

By Dr Angelo Bottone

At a time when the government is considering a further liberalisation of our already permissive abortion legislation, RTE Investigates this week aired a documentary on “the realities of Ireland’s current abortion services” which was far from being fair and impartial. In fact, we didn’t get to hear from a single pro-life advocate, and it did...

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