The Iona Blog

Could there be a legal challenge to calling it the ‘marriage equality’ referendum?

The Government has decided to call the Bill to amend the Constitution and permit same-sex marriage,” The Thirty-Fourth Amendment of the Constitution (Marriage Equality) Bill 2015″. Giving it such a completely loaded name, entirely favourable to the Yes side has been called into question by legal academic, Dr Seán Ó Conaill. Dr Ó Conaill believes...


Is the right to a mother and father meaningless?

There’s a persistent idea on the Yes side that notions that the idea of a child having a “right to a mother and father” or “a right to a relationship with their genetic parents” is a nonsense argument because – or so the reasoning goes – the state can’t guarantee it. Their mother might tragically...


The real reason why there are fewer female profs

The usual hand-wringing continues.  Peter McGuire at the Irish Times is all in a tizzy about gender imbalances at professor-level in our universities. Apparently it’s all discrimination of one kind or another and has nothing to do with the choice many women make in the real world about how to properly balance home and work....


What Leo Varadkar said about the right to a mother and a father in full

Sean O’Rourke on his show today (23/1) put it to Leo Varadkar that he has previously stated that children have a right to a mother and a father. The Minister said he was quoted out of context. That is not the case. The Minister made the comment while in opposition during a Dail debate on...


Iona Institute representatives debate same-sex marriage

The announcement by Health Minister, Leo Varadkar that he is gay resulted in a spate of programmes yesterday that debated same-sex marriage. Iona Institute representatives appeared on The Pat Kenny Show, The Last Wordand Claire Byrne Live. David Quinn debated Colm O’Gorman of Amnesty Ireland on The Pat Kenny Show. This debate was probably the...


One sperm donor father, 23 mothers

Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World should be required reading for anyone interested in social policy questions. In Huxley’s “happy dystopia”, the ties of flesh and blood have absolutely no importance. All children are conceived in test-tubes, and veryone is selected and conditioned as embroyos to fulfill a particular societal function, with those that don’t measure...


The forgotten stay-at-home parents

The Irish Times has recently been running a series of interviews with Irish people from all walks of life, and this week’s one is particularly worth reading. Annmarie Boles is a stay-at-home mother, and writes articulately and persuasively about her experience. For her, working full-time in the home is not a second-best option, or something...


Single parents and the marriage movement

“How can marriage campaigners better reach out to single parents?” asks Ashley Maguire in a blog on The Institute for Family Studies’ website. She thinks the pro-marriage movement can learn from the pro-life movement, particularly from the latter’s successes in the United States, where 231 pro-life laws have been passed at the state level since...


The unborn baby in latest right-to-life controversy must count for something

At a minimum we ought to be able to agree that there are two lives to be considered in the latest right-to-die/right-to-life case to come to our attention, namely the tragic case of the pregnant woman who is clinically brain-dead but whose unborn baby has a chance at life. However, to judge from much pro-choice...


The problem with ‘Platonic parenting’

Writing in the Atlantic magazine, Alana Samuels has an article about a new phenomenon: the increasing numbers of single women and lesbian couples who are seeking sperm donors who will take an active role in their children’s lives, as distinct from no role, which is the preferred option of most people who used donor sperm...

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