The Iona Blog

The unborn baby in latest right-to-life controversy must count for something

At a minimum we ought to be able to agree that there are two lives to be considered in the latest right-to-die/right-to-life case to come to our attention, namely the tragic case of the pregnant woman who is clinically brain-dead but whose unborn baby has a chance at life. However, to judge from much pro-choice...


The problem with ‘Platonic parenting’

Writing in the Atlantic magazine, Alana Samuels has an article about a new phenomenon: the increasing numbers of single women and lesbian couples who are seeking sperm donors who will take an active role in their children’s lives, as distinct from no role, which is the preferred option of most people who used donor sperm...


The BAI’s duty to ensure fairness on the airwaves

The BAI (Broadcasting Authority of Ireland) has been facing a backlash ever since it ruled that an item on Newstalk’s Breakfast Show breached the broadcast regulations by being excessively biased in favour of same-sex marriage. The Breakfast Show had to read out the ruling last week. A similar ruling was made against the Mooney Show...


As G.K. Chesterton once said: “Most Eugenists are Euphemists”

Independent TD Mattie McGrath spoke recently about his Private Members’ Bill entitled The Disability (Amendment) Act 2014 during a press conference organised by the advocacy group Every Life Counts.  Deputy McGrath seeks to regulate against the continued use of the phrase “incompatible with life.”  Another key word in his statement was “dehumanising.”  Indeed. This brought...


Euthanasia and assisted suicide: Lessons from Belgium

A debate over ‘assisted suicide’ is already taking place in Ireland and is only going to gain in intensity over time as the population ages, healthcare costs increase and notions of personal autonomy continue to override other important social and moral goods. In any debate we have about this matter, it makes absolute sense to...


The child-centred vs the adult-centred view of marriage

Bishop Kevin Doran said at a talk on Thursday night organised by The Iona Institute that if we permit same-sex marriage, the link between marriage as an institution and procreation will have been destroyed. This is the child-centred view of marriage. Brian Sheehan of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) responded by offering a...


Divorce harms children says new research. Didn’t we already know that?

Let’s call a spade a spade: a lot of academic research – especially in the social sciences – either reports on the bleedin’ obvious, or backs up the arguments of the researchers, and usually goes some way to maintain or augment their grant. BBC Radio 5 Live was awash with this latest research the other day,...


David Quinn talks surrogacy with Newstalk’s Moncrieff

Iona Institute Director David Quinn was on Newtalk’s Moncrieff programme last week talking about surrogacy. In a long interview, Moncrieff and Quinn discussed the differences between surrogacy and gamete donation on the one hand and adoption on the other. Quinn asked Moncrieff to consider some of the unintended consequences that could come about through legislation...


Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ Astounding Speech on Marriage

Wow. That was, essentially, my reaction upon first reading Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ speech on marriage a the Vatican’s Humanum Conference (or the Colloqium on the Complementarity of Man and Woman in Marriage, to give it its full name). This is one of the deepest, most profound defences of the institution of marriage that I’ve ever...


Marriage is the financially sensible choice – yet more evidence

The American Enterprise Institute’s (AEI) recent report lends more weight to the argument that marriage is good for your pocket. It argues that “changes in family formation and stability are central to the changing economic landscape of American families, to the declining economic status of men, and to worries about the health of the American...

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