The Iona Blog

Committee hears ‘assisted dying’ should be available to the mentally ill

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The hearing of the Oireachtas committee on the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide (EAS) in Ireland has probably revealed a lot more of the agenda of some of its proponents than they intended. For example, at one of the sessions, Senator Lynn Ruane suggested that so called “assisted dying” should be offered to those...


The problems with the draft SPHE syllabus

David Quinn of the Iona Institute was interviewed on Premier Christian Radio in the UK about the draft of a new Social Personal and Health Education programme for Leaving Certificate students. He expresses concerns about what it will teach about abortion, sexual consent, gender ideology, “allyship” and “privilege”. He says if denominational schools are forced...


Social trends in Ireland

Introduction: Ireland has witnessed some very dramatic social changes in the last decades and we see these strongly at work in the area of family life. We have witnessed a decline in the rate of marriage, a huge growth in the number of people who are divorced or separated, a decline in the fertility rate...


‘Christians in a post-human world’: a talk by Dr Gerard Casey

Dr Gerard Casey, former head of the Department of Philosophy at UCD recently addressed a meeting organised by The Iona Institute called ‘Christians in a post-human world: a sneak look at our near future’. Dr Casey described how our world is changing even more rapidly than we realise. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) develops, there is...


Pro-life activist tells meeting about being arrested praying near abortion clinic

By Dr Angelo Bottone

A woman who was arrested while praying in silence outside an abortion clinic in the UK was in Dublin on Saturday for the Rally for Life and told a gathering before the march about her ordeal. Some local councils in Britain have introduced exclusion zones outside centres that provide abortions and the Irish government wants...


In Defence of Catholic Healthcare: A talk by David Quinn

David Quinn, Chief Executive of The Iona Institute, recently delivered the 4th Rosemary Sheehan Memorial Lecture. His theme was ‘In Defence of Catholic Healthcare’. In his talk, he reminded people of the immense contribution Catholics have made to healthcare in Ireland and worldwide both historically and down to the present day. He explained the origins...


Dr Peter Boylan proven wrong as abortion number rises

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Newly released figures from the Department of Health reveal that last year 8,156 abortions took place in Ireland, the highest number since the referendum of 2018. This is exactly in line with pro-life predictions. Pro-choice advocate, Dr Peter Boylan, said the opposite would happen. Numbers also continue to rise in England and Wales, and Scotland...


Palliative care doctors warn against permitting assisted suicide

By Dr Angelo Bottone

An Oireachtas Committee is currently meeting to consider whether Ireland should permit assisted suicide for the terminally ill. A key player in the debate, namely the Irish Association for Palliative Care (IAPC), is opposed. There voice is especially important as palliative care doctors deal with patients nearing the end stages of their lives every day....


Exit International admits its extreme assisted suicide agenda

By David Quinn

An Oireachtas committee is holding its first public meeting today on assisted suicide (which the media euphemistically calls ‘assisted dying’). The line will be that any proposed law will only allow the terminally ill to avail of the procedure. But one of the main campaign organisations, Exit International, wants to go much further than that....


The evidence that counsellors have an influence on abortion rates

By Jim Stack

How many women change their minds about having an abortion during the waiting time between asking for an abortion and receiving one? This question is especially relevant following the publication recently of the Abortion Law Review. It recommends abolishing the mandatory three-day waiting period. Another question; are women less likely to change their mind depending...

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