TV and Radio

Maria Steen of the Iona Institute discusses a new report showing Irish women have a better quality of life than men on Newstalk’s

A report from the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation shows that Irish women have a higher quality of life than Irish men when a range of measures are taken into account. Maria Steen of the Iona Institute debated the findings with Easyparent columnist Hazel Kay Larkin on Newstalk’s Breakfast show.


17 May 12 Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali discusses aggressive secularism with David Robert Grimes on RTE’s Pat Kenny Show

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, who gave a talk to the Iona Institute last week, debates the issue of aggressive secularism with atheist and physicist David Robert Grimes on the Pat Kenny Show.


10 May 12 David Quinn discusses same-sex marriage with Brian Sheehan of GLEN on the Scott Williams Show on Q102 Radio

David Quinn discusses same-sex marriage with Brian Sheehan of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network on the Scott Williams Show on Dublin’s Q102.


Maria Steen of the Iona Institute debates divorce on Newstalk’s Breakfast Show

Maria Steen of the Iona Institute discusses a new move to reduce divorce in the UK on Newstalk’s Breakfast Show.


Newstalk The Right Hook: David Quinn discusses school which refused place to a pregnant teenager

David Quinn discusses the case of a school which denied a place to a pregnant teenager with George Hook.


Today with Pat Kenny: John Murray and Paul Rowe discuss new recommendations on denominational schools

On Tuesday, the Advisory Group to the Government’s Forum on Patronage and Pluralism published their recommendations. John Murray of the Iona Institute and Paul Rowe of Educate Together joined Pat Kenny to discuss the report.


RTE Prime Time: Breda O’Brien discusses surrogacy with Miriam O’Callaghan

Breda O’Brien dicusses surrogacy with Miriam O’Callaghan (10 minutes into the clip).


Today FM: The Last Word with Matt Cooper-Professor Patricia Casey and Karen Kiernan of One Family discuss Census 2011

Today FM: The Last Word with Matt Cooper-Professor Patricia Casey and Karen Kiernan of One Family discuss Census 2011


RTE Frontline: Discussion of secularism with David Quinn, Fr Michael Drumm, Ivana Bacik and Diarmuid Ferriter

RTE Frontline: Discussion of secularism with David Quinn, Fr Michael Drumm, Ivana Bacik and Diarmuid Ferriter


Today FM The Last Word: David Quinn and Orla O’Connor debate the gender pay gap

David Quinn, Director of the Iona Institute and Orla O’Connor, acting CEO of the National Women’s Council debate the gender pay gap on Today FM’s The Last Word with Matt Cooper.