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Chastity groups have a right to teach in denominational schools

Immediate release

Press release from The Iona Institute 

Chastity groups have a right to teach in denominational schools

March 11, 2014  – Groups which promote chastity and abstinence before marriage have a right to address students in Catholic and other schools, The Iona Institute has said today.
The Iona Institute was reacting to calls on Education Minister, Ruairi Quinn to ban such groups from schools, including Pure in Heart which has been attracting considerable publicity lately.
The real question to ask about Pure in Heart is whether Catholic schools have the right to present Catholic teaching on sexuality in their own schools.
Ben Conroy of The Iona Institute, said: “Those who say Catholic schools cannot present Catholic teaching see abstinence before marriage as both backward and impractical. It is neither. I say this as a 20 year old Catholic. The orthodox Christian teaching on sex and marriage is a far richer, more life-affirming message than ‘anything goes between consenting adults’ and attempting to have it banned from schools is both wrong and foolish.’
The Iona Institute believes that parents and schools have every right to invite in groups that reflect their characteristic spirit. And as a society, we need more emphasis on the connection between commitment, love and sex – not less.
At the very least, students have a right to hear the chastity message, especially in Catholic and other religious schools so long as the information being transmitted is accurate and is backed up by evidence.