- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Donate to the Iona Institute

How you can help…. You can contribute to The Iona Institute in any of the following ways:

  1. Donate securely online using PAYPAL:

  2. Join our regular supporters by setting up a standing order.
    A donation by standing order gives The Iona Institute a regular income which is essential to our planning for the future.
    A form can be downloaded here in Word [2] or PDF [3], for you to fill out and send back to us.
    Standing orders can also be set up through your internet banking using the name ‘The Iona Institute’ and the IBAN: IE47 AIBK 9310 1212 2760 87.
  3. Send a cheque to:

    The Iona Institute
    23 Merrion Square
    Dublin 2

    (Cheques should be made payable to: The Iona Institute).

  4. Make a Direct Lodgement to:

    Allied Irish Banks
    1 Lower Baggot Street,
    Dublin 2
    Sort code: 93-10-12
    Account: 12276-087
    IBAN: IE47 AIBK 9310 1212 2760 87

The Iona Institute is a private company limited by guarantee. The company number is 424940.

The Revenue Charity Unit (CHY) number is 17347. The Charity Regulator Authority (RCN) number is 20064365.