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Liberals are not really for liberty or tolerance

Professor Chai Feldblum, who was recently nominated by Barack Obama for one of the seats on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, basically wants people who don’t share her views on sexual morality restricted from public life. 

She has written that it is problematic when the Government passes legislation that gives people “who believe that a homosexual or bisexual orientation is not morally neutral, and that an individual who acts on his or her homosexual orientation is acting in a sinful or harmful manner (to himself or herself and to others)” equal access “to all societal institutions”. 

We’ve seen this before. In their zeal to promote tolerance of the homosexual lifestyle, liberals like Feldblum end up instead promoting intolerance towards religious believers. Feldblum’s brand of liberal intolerance would have religious believers excluded from the public square altogether. The “intolerant” label that liberals too frequently use is a convenient device to prevent religious believers from participating in public policy. 

True tolerance, however, always insists that people have the right to participate, whether they agree or disagree with you, without fear of censorship or persecution. 

Liberals want to determine the standards and morals that society will operate but they become indignant and outraged when conservatives, religious or otherwise want to do likewise. There is a double standard here. What is more sinister is the trend among liberals to try to use legal methods to exclude religious believers from fully taking part in public life, usually on the unfounded grounds that they are intolerant and want to unjustly discriminate against minorities. 

Feldblum and others like her are effectively promoting the homosexual “equality” agenda over the rights of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. It is remarkable that Obama sees nothing wrong in this. It is one thing to promote your own moral code, it is quite another thing to find those who oppose you as “problematic” and want to have them marginalised in public life. 

The truth is that liberals, like Feldblum, aren’t really for liberty or tolerance at all.