- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

10,000 abortions in Ireland in first year of new regime, predicts Rotunda Hospital

It is predicted that there will be 10,000 terminations in Ireland this year [1], according to a Rotunda Hospital board meeting document.

If it comes to pass it would more than double the previous estimated Irish abortion rate. The document states that the National Women and Infants Health Programme has estimated that 80% of terminations will be under 9 weeks and undertaken by GPs. Around 20% would be in the 9-12 week bracket and would require hospital services. It has not been reported how many abortions it predicts would take place after 12 weeks.

During the campaign to repeal the Eighth Amendment, pro-life spokespersons consistently maintained that introducing abortion in Ireland would result in a big increase in the number of Irish women getting abortions, a claim that was steadfastly denied by repeal campaigners [2].