Former patients and families of the UK’s only gender-altering clinic for children are expected to sue the British National Health Service over the clinic’s unsafe practices. The HSE in Ireland has also sent over 200 children to the clinic to use its “services”.
Lawyers in the UK estimate that up to 1,000 families in Britain could join a class-action lawsuit.
The move comes in the wake of the findings of the Cass report which has led to the Tavistock clinic having its closure scheduled for next year.
The Times reports the mass legal action is on behalf of “youngsters who claim they were rushed into taking life-altering puberty blockers”.
“They are accusing the gender identity development service [GIDS] at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust of multiple failures in its duty of care.”
The prosecution is reported to allege that staff at the clinic ‘recklessly prescribed’ puberty blockers and followed an “unquestioning, affirmative approach” to gender dysphoria.
Of the 234 Irish children referred to Tavistock, 32 were 10 years old or younger, and two were just 5 years of age, while many are believed to be girls experiencing issues related to autism.