- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

27% of Canadians favour euthanasia for poverty

A new Canadian survey has shown a growing minority  of Canadians believe poverty and homelessness should qualify someone for euthanasia.

In the online survey of a representative national sample, 27% think people should have access to euthanasia because of poverty, 28% for homelessness, 43% for mental illness, and 50% for being disabled [1].

The figures for younger people were even more striking with 41% of 18-34 year-olds believing people should qualify for euthanasia due to poverty while 60% of the same cohort think it should be available for a disability.

More generally, one-in-five Canadians (20%) believe medical assistance in dying should always be allowed [2], regardless of who requests it, while 12% believe it should never be permitted.