A society that justifies abortion is ‘in conflict with the truth’

The justifying of abortion leads to the denial of fundamental truths, according to Bishop Kevin Doran.

Speaking in advance of the Rally for Life last weekend, Bishop Doran said when an unborn child is experienced as “inconvenient”, we either adapt in order to welcome it, or we make arrangements to dispose of it.

“This is where we come face to face with the truth.  A society that seeks to justify abortion inevitably finds itself in conflict with the truth”.

Turning to the recent review of the abortion law, he said in order to justify the use of public health resources, the “Review” consistently refers to abortion as “women’s healthcare”.  In reality, however, there is “no evidence whatsoever that those abortions have anything to do with healthcare”.

Likewise, regarding the three-day waiting period, while its purpose is to provide a window of opportunity for a woman to reconsider her decision, the Review downplayed its effectiveness by publishing different, lower, figures, from a pro-abortion source, as to its success.

He adds that while the language of concern for women and for women’s health is repeated in the Review, there is nothing in the legislation “that is designed to find out why thirty thousand women sought abortion over the past four years, what were their circumstances physically, economically or emotionally, what other options they might have been given, or what has happened to them since”.