A bill to create exclusion zones around medical facilities that provide or administer abortions has passed its first vote on its way to becoming law. Very few countries have national laws preventing pro-life activities near centres that conduct abortions.
The Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2023 was approved in the Dáil by 113 to 10 votes.
It will now go to a committee stage to be examined in far greater detail.
Responding to the vote, a spokesperson for Aontú said “Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Sinn Féin, Labour and PbP have voted on mass for censorship zones around all abortions clinics in Ireland”, adding: “the right to peaceful respectful protest is being eroded”.
The Pro-Life Campaign said it was “tragic that such a regressive and draconian piece of legislation as the #SafeAccessZonesBill was rail-roaded through the Dáil”.
“We owe a lot of gratitude to the 10 TDs who bravely voted against it.
“Once the unintended consequences and discriminatory nature of this law is realised, many government TDs may start to have buyer’s remorse”.