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Abortion exclusion zones will ‘further silence the innocent unborn’, says Archbishop

The imposition of so-called “safe-access” zones around facilities providing abortion will further silence the voice of the unborn [1] and represents a disproportionate response with wide implications for freedom of religion and speech.

That’s according to the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh.

Dr Eamon Martin was speaking ahead of tomorrow’s Seanad Éireann debate on the second stage of the Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2023.

In a statement, he said over the years, “many mothers in crisis have felt supported – sometimes at the very last minute – by a sensitive offer of practical help to find a way out of their crisis other than by ending the life of their unborn baby”.

He added that harassment laws are already in place to prevent intimidation.

“The introduction of these zones increases fears that freedom of religion, belief, expression and association are being undermined and open to attack.  The introduction of punitive sanctions will undermine the Common Good as they disproportionately shut down the rights of those who wish to peacefully and prayerfully offer support and alternative options and to save the lives of innocent unborn children”.