Abortions in Scotland jump one fifth in 12 months

Abortions in Scotland rose by nearly a fifth (19%) between 2021 and 2022, when there were 16,584 abortions in total.

The figures were revealed last week by Public Health Scotland and were labelled a “disastrous” death toll by the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC).

In 2022, chromosomal conditions were listed 112 times as a reason for abortion in Scotland, including Down’s Syndrome and Edwards’ Syndrome. Nervous system conditions such as spina bifida were listed 54 times.

Such abortions are classified under Ground E, the second most common Statutory Ground, citing a substantial risk that the child born would suffer from physical or mental conditions.

While the rate of Ground E abortions has been relatively minor and constant in recent years – representing 1.6% of abortions in Scotland in 2022 – the listing of Down’s Syndrome as a reason to abort is at a five-year high at 59.

UK law currently allows babies with Down’s Syndrome to be aborted up to birth. Campaigner Heidi Crowter is challenging the law.