Additional childcare subsidies for parents in work or education are being sought by Children’s Minister Katherine Zappone in the upcoming budget.
The proposals include nothing for parents who take care of their children in the home.
The National Childcare Scheme (NCS) sees parents who are working or in education eligible for targeted subsidised childcare. The sums vary depending on income level and the child’s age, but parents can apply for as much as 40 hours of childcare per week.
It is understood Ms Zappone’s Budget proposals include:
Extending the number of hours available to up to 45 hours from September 2020;
Increasing after-school childcare hours from 17 to 22 hours per week;
Adding five hours to the 15 currently on offer to parents who are seeking employment.
The NCS that kicks in at the end of October sees a parent qualify for up to 40 hours a week in subsidies if they and their partner are working, studying or transitioning between work and study. The definition of work includes apprenticeships, part-time and people on zero-hours contracts. Study includes any education or training programme on the National Framework of Qualifications.