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All maternity hospitals will provide abortion, insists Donnelly

All maternity hospitals in the State are expected to be able to provide abortion [1] by early next year, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has said.

The minister was speaking in the Dáil on Wednesday [2], as the Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2023 was being debated at second stage.

The proposed legislation would prohibit pro-life gatherings within 100 metres of any facility that could provide abortions. Very few countries have such a law on the grounds that it violates freedom of speech and assembly.

“The latest update I have from the Department is that we are on track for 17 of the 19 [maternity hospitals] to provide those services [abortion] by the end of this year, and for the remaining two next year,” he said.

“These are legally provided and lawful services. While we must and do respect people’s views, and while conscientious objection is rightly embedded in the legislation and any healthcare worker is obviously free to exercise that right, we must ensure these services are provided around the country.”