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Archbishop Eamon Martin urges faithful to lobby TDs about public worship

The Catholic Primate of All Ireland has called on Catholics to speak to their public representatives [1] about their need for public worship.

Archbishop Eamon Martin has encouraged all Catholics to make contact with their TDs to express their pain at being separated from Mass and the sacraments.

Writing in the Irish Catholic newspaper, he asked that they remind TDs that the absence affects them spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

He said that the public worship of God is essential to being Christian.

He cited the Taoiseach’s wish that Ireland will have a “meaningful Christmas”, but he added: ”For Christians the true meaning of Christmas is in the celebration of the Incarnation – the Word Made Flesh Who lived among us.”

“Christmas without public worship would be emptied of much of its meaning. No virtual gathering over webcam can replace the joy and consolation that comes when the Church – as a family of families – is able to physically meet to welcome Christ our Saviour”.