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Archbishop of Dublin urges Catholics to use their vote

The Archbishop of Dublin has offered a strong defence of the democratic process and urged all people to vote [1].

In a statement issued yesterday, Archbishop Dermot Farrell said voting matters “because it is how we hold our leaders to account and mandate what we believe to be important”.

“Voting also matters because all politicians are not the same: individual politicians, and political parties, differ in their values and beliefs, their ideas and priorities, their capabilities and judgement”.

While noting that Christians may differ legitimately in their political views and there is no obligation on Christians to support any particular party, nonetheless “there is a duty on every Christian to support the common good to the best of our ability”.

He added: “To vote is an exercise in hope, and hope is a mark of authentic Christian faith—the great gift of the Holy Spirit”.

He concluded: “Let us pray too that our society will vote into office leaders who will govern the people with integrity and wisdom and serve the common good with dedication and commitment”.