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Arlene Foster joins 20,000 strong march to protest new abortion law for NI

DUP leader Arlene Foster [1] joined an estimated 20,000 people who took part in a silent protest [2] outside the North’s Parliament Buildings at Stormont to show their opposition to the planned legalisation of abortion [3] in Northern Ireland.

The North’s former first minister said she was “joining thousands of people from across all backgrounds tonight, to stand together and defend the rights of the unborn child. Both lives matter [4]”.

The protest was organised by NI Voiceless, a pro-life group which was set up to oppose legislation passed by the UK parliament which will permit a radical abortion regime in Northern Ireland.

The group said the people of Northern Ireland were not consulted about the change in the law, and that there was no support for the planned liberalisation of the abortion laws.