Ashers Bakery couple urge Christians to not fear taking a stand

The Belfast bakery owners at the centre of the supreme court free speech ruling in the “gay cake” case have urged other Christians in similar situations to “take their stand”.

In the interview with the Christian Institute, Ashers’ general manager Daniel McArthur and his wife Amy McArthur admitted that the public nature of the case had been difficult, but say they have been comforted by the knowledge that they had done nothing wrong.

To other Christians who might be faced with a similar situation, Amy McArthur advised them “to not be afraid, to take your stand for God’s word because he is so faithful and he will bring you through it.”

She added: “The past four years has really strengthened my faith in God, his comfort and strength and peace — for that alone it would’ve been worth it.”

Daniel McArthur said: “This judgment carries so much weight because it guarantees free speech for Christians all over the UK. People ask you ‘was it worth it, going through all this?’ and I answer them ‘absolutely yes’. We knew we were doing what God wanted us to do and we believe we’ve been following his will.”