Atheist Ireland defends Kerry priest from attack of bishop and other critics

An atheist organisation has spoken out in favour of a Kerry priest’s right to free speech and defended him from the attack of his bishop who claimed he misrepresented Church teaching.

In a statement, Atheist Ireland said they strongly disagree with what they called “the harmful Catholic beliefs” expressed by Fr Sean Sheehy, but added that they “also support his right to preach such harmful Catholic beliefs to people who attend Catholic Mass”.

They noted that Bishop Ray Browne of Kerry has apologised for the homily, saying it does not reflect the Christian position Christian teaching.

“But Bishop Browne is wrong to say the homily does not reflect Catholic teaching on abortion, gender theory, and homosexuality. The homily reflects the positions taken on these issues by Pope Francis and the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith”, they say.

“Father Sheehy’s problem is not that he is mistaken about Catholic Church teaching. It is that he is too honest about it, and his honesty has upset his Bishop and some of his congregation”.