Austria’s parliament legalise assisted suicide

The Austrian parliament has voted to legalise assisted suicide from January after a court ruling said its ban ‘breached’ fundamental human rights.

The ban would have expired at the end of this year anyway, and the new legislation means it can only take place in accordance with designated criteria.

The Assisted Suicide Act gives the option of an advance directive — similar to a living will — to adults who are terminally ill or suffer from a permanent, debilitating condition, meaning they need not be terminally ill.

Each case is to be assessed by two doctors, one of whom would have to be an expert in palliative medicine. As part of their duties, they must determine whether a patient is opting for euthanasia independently.

At least 12 weeks must pass before a patient is granted access to the procedure, to ensure that euthanasia is not being sought due to a temporary crisis. However, for patients in the “terminal phase” of an illness, the period can be shortened to two weeks.

The individual would then draw up their will with a notary or a patient advocate before being able to obtain a lethal drug from a pharmacist.
In countries like Belgium and the Netherlands the grounds for assisted suicide keep expanding and the numbers availing of it increasing.