The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland have upheld a complaint against RTE [1] and ruled that its New Year’s Eve show “effectively accused God of sexual violence and sexual crimes”, according to
The Times, Ireland, reported that the ruling was considered a “serious rebuke [2]” of RTE.
The BAI has directed RTE to broadcast its decision to viewers and that is expected to be aired on Saturday before the 9 o’clock news.
The BAI’s Compliance Committee maintained that the Waterford Whispers sketch, in which God was accused of having raped a Middle Eastern woman, did not comply with the provisions of Principle 5 of the Code of Programme Standards that allow for “critical scrutiny of religion, while also requiring broadcasters to show due respect for religious views, images, practices and beliefs in programme content.”
Mr. Ciarán Ó’Comain brought the complaint to the BAI saying the sketch was “highly offensive” and “predictably so.”
He also said that RTÉ’s apology following the broadcast was “ham-fisted and very qualified”, leaving the sketch on it’s “Player” and only removing it after receiving “thousands of complaints.”