The number of reported cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has risen significantly since Covid-19 restrictions were lifted.
At least 45pc more cases are being reported now compared with a year ago.
Figures provided to the HSE by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) that cover the first 12 weeks of the year show HIV diagnoses are up more than 84pc from 71 to 131 and gonorrhoea cases are up more than 61pc from 368 to 594. Reported chlamydia cases went from 1,441 to 2,075, an increase of 44pc, and syphilis was up more than 30pc, from 159 to 207 cases.
The HPSC said the number of chlamydia and gonorrhoea cases includes some batch notifications of cases confirmed through the online STI testing service that may contain some numbers from last year.
An HSE spokeswoman said that with restrictions lifted and social activity increasing, it is expected sexual activity will “have returned to pre-pandemic levels, resulting in an increase in the numbers of people in need of or seeking STI testing”.
On the increase in testing availability, she said: “As normal services resume, there is at least an expectation that increased testing will bring increased diagnoses.”