Catholic churches across Northern Ireland reopened for public worship [1] on Friday.
The Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Northern Ireland will resume in-person services this coming Good Friday, 2 April.
The four Churches voluntarily suspended in-person gatherings in January of this year due to the latest Covid-19 lockdown and a surge in cases. In the South, the ban is imposed and public worship is illegal.
The Bishop of Derry Donal McKeown commented that the “Churches in the North have been trusted by government to make decisions about closing and opening, which I think is a mature way of running a society [2], and I think we have to be very sensible and sensitive to ensure that we do not contribute to any possible super-spreader events.”
Derry priest Rev Michael Canny told BBC NI’s Good Morning Ulster that he was “delighted” to be reopening in time for Holy Week and Easter, but stressed that a lot of care was needed.
“When people come at 9:15 and again at 10:00, there will still be social distancing, they will still have to sanitise hands, we will encourage them to go home afterwards, rather than to be standing outside chatting.”