Bishop of Elphin Kevin Doran has paid tribute [1] to all who have continued to provide essential services during the Covid19 lockdown.
In his homily at the Easter Vigil mass, he said that “nurses, doctors, chaplains and other healthcare workers place their lives on the line [2] in a way that might never have been imagined. Gardaí serving the public, risk being spat at in the street, just as Christ was. For ordinary men and women who work in shops, or drive delivery vans or public transport, going to work involves taking a risk for others”. Bishop Doran said it is not what happens to us that makes the difference; it is the generosity and the freedom with which we give ourselves. “There are many people today, including people who would not necessarily think of themselves as particularly religious; who are not Christian perhaps, but who are making enormous sacrifices. It is in them that we meet Christ today, whether or not they realise it”.