The Pro Life Campaign has blasted a call to introduce prison time for people engaged in pro-life activity within a hundred metres of abortion-providing facilities. Very few countries have laws of this kind.
Spokesperson Eilís Mulroy was responding to a proposal by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission that legislation to enact so-called “safe access zones” should include criminal penalties, rather than merely civil remedies.
Ms Mulroy branded the proposal “an excessively authoritarian suggestion”.
She said it was “inherently discriminatory”, because “it singles out a particular ideological and moral worldview for punishment”.
She added legislation to combat ‘intimidation’ and ‘harassment’ was not required, as these were already offences under public order laws.
“Nonetheless, the excessive measures which would have the impact of banning the optional provision of pro-life literature and even quiet and reflective prayer are being railroaded through the Oireachtas,” she stated.