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Cardinal says lapsed Catholics should return to restore Europe

Christian Europe is in decline and lapsed Catholics are partly to blame for the situation by abandoning their faith, a senior cardinal has said [1]. He said they “should return to the Church” if the historical identity of Europe was to survive. Practising Christians are more likely to marry and have children than their secular counter-parts, research has shown.

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, Austria, told a French Catholic magazine that the rejection of Christianity combined with a below-replacement birth rate and mass immigration from Muslim countries was changing the continent beyond recognition.

“If Catholics have left the Church, we should not be surprised that they are in the minority,” the cardinal said in an interview with Famille Chrétienne.

“We must accept the decline of Europe,” he said. “We tend to gaze at our ecclesiastical navel, but it is an undeniable continental movement.”

He said: “In 20 years, the European population will not be the same as it is today, and it is already not the same as it was 50 years ago.

“This is inevitable, above all due to the decline in the birth rate in Europe but also due to immigration and the increasing presence of Islam”.