The Catholic Church in Ireland has issued a call for volunteers to help with preparing for a reopening of churches for public mass on June 29th.
The call was made by the Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin during a homily he gave for Trinity Sunday.
The Archbishop Martin said that for the next few weeks parishes will prepare for the reopening, adding that it will happen slowly and tentatively at first.
“Because of recommendations on physical distancing and hygiene, it will be necessary to reduce considerably the number of people who can gather inside church buildings at any one time. A small number of our liturgical customs may have to be adjusted to take account of health recommendations. I appeal to our congregations to be patient and understanding, and to cooperate in helping us fulfil our Church guidelines”, he said.
“I also call on the younger members of our parishes to step forward in helping us manage the transition back to full parish life and celebration of the sacraments. We will need volunteers to assist with cleaning, stewarding, reading, ministering the Eucharist and other roles and responsibilities which some of our older members may be unable to fulfil at this time”.