Living in harmony with God’s creation [1] will be the theme of this year’s Catholic Schools Week.
It will be held from Sunday 26 January – Sunday 1 February and families, parishes and schools, North and South, are invited to celebrate Catholic schools and their contribution to the common good.
Commenting on this year’s theme Father Paul Connell, Secretary of the Bishops’ Council for Education, said this year’s theme encourages us to see that we all have a responsibility to care for the earth, not just for our own future, but for the future of every one of God’s creatures.
“In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis has very clearly delivered the message to people all over the world about the need for all of us to care for our common home. Pope Francis challenges us to look at our lifestyles. He asks for justice and equality, as it is clear that climate change is creating a huge amount of suffering and impacting the poorest of the poor in our world; the very people who did least to cause this situation. The hope of Catholic Schools Week 2020 is that we realise how powerful each and every one of us is and that even the smallest changes can have the biggest impact.”