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Catholic teacher could be banned from profession over views on gender

A Catholic teacher could be barred from her profession [1] because of her views on gender and sexuality.

Glawdys Leger, 43, was dismissed from her post at an Anglican School in May 2022 and referred to the Teaching Regulation Authority (TRA), which this week will hold a fitness to practice hearing to consider whether she should banned from the profession for life.

The school authorities complained that Ms Leger “upset one pupil by sharing her views on LBGTQ+ and she went on to share many more in our investigation and subsequent hearings”.

Ms Leger said she was “treated like a criminal” for saying in Religious Education (RE) lessons that Christians believed people are born male and female and that sex outside the marriage of a man and a woman is sinful.

She had been instructed to use materials for RE entitled ‘Who Am I?’ which included introducing 11 and 12-year-old children to gender identities such as pansexual, asexual, intersex and transgender.