The communist President of China has argued that “human rights,” “freedom,” and “democracy” are bourgeois, Western values that the Marxist country will never accept.
On September 2, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s daily newspaper People’s Daily offered Xi Jinping’s answer to the question “Why should we take a clear stand against the so-called ‘universal values’ of the West?”
The “universal values” Xi Jinping is talking about are “the values of ‘freedom,’ ‘democracy,’ and ‘human rights’ advocated by the modern western bourgeoisie.”
It is a “clever” strategy of the international bourgeoisie, led by “the United States and other Western countries,” continues Xi Jinping, to “package these values as ‘universal values’ and promote them globally, which confuses many people.” The truth for the Chinese president is that, if one adheres as he does to Marxist dialectical materialism, there are no “universal values” valid for all stages of history. Democracy, freedom, and human rights were useful, valid tools used by the bourgeoisie to defeat the “feudal autocracy.” In the next stage of history, they are reactionary weapons to “maintain the rule of the capital” over the proletarians, and should be liquidated by socialism .
Promoting freedom, democracy, and human rights as “universal values” creates an “ideological fog” whose “essence and harm” should be exposed.