Christian Ethics can be an ‘ally’ in the fight against bullying, says Senator

A Christian ethos in education can be a help rather than a hindrance in the fight against bullying, an Oireachtas committee has heard.

Independent NUI Senator Ronan Mullen was speaking at a session of the Oireachtas committee which focused on bullying and the impact on mental health.

He said he disagreed with attempts to draw a “causal link” between RSE in schools – where it did not meet the aspirations of some students and parents – and bullying.

The Christian Gospel “has provided much of the inspiration and the rationalisation of so much that we take for granted as being necessary for an education system, particularly in the whole area of inclusion”.

He said while the ethics around human sexuality will always be contested, it remained that the Christian gospel was one of unconditional love and inclusivity.

“It seems to be that they are among your biggest allies in the fight against bullying and there is a real danger of demonising them if you portray their ideas and values as somehow causative of bullying.”