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Christian leader in India attacked and run over by motorcycles

An elder in a Christian evangelical Church was violently attacked last week by Hindu extremists [1] in India who accused him of ‘converting people’.

Isaac Paulose, 48, was attacked shortly after dropping his 5-year-old son off at school.

Paulose was in his car when a Hindu nationalist on a motorcycle stopped him and told him to get out.

Armed with bamboo rods and a thick metal chain with a heavy lock on it, 10 Hindu nationalists in beat him and then ran their five motorcycles over him, fracturing one of his ribs.

Paulose’s wife, Elizabeth Isaac, said: “Accusing him of ‘converting people,’ they beat him with bamboo logs and a thick metal chain with a lock attached to its end. They scorned and ridiculed him, daring him to continue to convert people.”

Hindu extremists routinely attack Christians for “conversion,” though conversion is legal in India, and also routinely raise false accusations against them of illegal “forcible conversion.” They frequently make no distinction between the two.

The assailants threatened to kill the pastor before leaving, Pastor Deep said.