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Church leaders ask for reopening of churches in the North for private prayer

The leaders of Ireland’s main Churches have asked that the Northern Executive might reopen churches for private prayer and individual visits “sooner rather than later” [1].

In a joint statement, the leaders of the Church of Ireland, Methodist Church in Ireland, Roman Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church in Ireland and the Irish Council of Churches said they accept that it would not yet be appropriate to consider a full return to churches for collective worship, apart from the limited number of people who are able to meet for funeral services. “At this time, we are not calling on the Northern Ireland Executive to remove the current general restrictions on gathering together for church services, but we are asking that the issue is kept under regular review, so that when it is safe to do so there can be an easing of these restrictions”.

However, they say the issue of church buildings being permitted to open for individual visits and private prayer, where this is desired locally and can be done so safely with appropriate social distancing in place, is however a different and a separate matter. “Where the medical and scientific advice indicates that this limited step is possible, we would urge the Executive to consider easing this particular restriction sooner rather than later”.