The Church of Ireland Archbishops on Thursday evening affirmed “that each and every human life is intrinsically valuable in all its phases” as an assisted suicide bill in the Dáil goes to Committee stage.
Earlier on Thursday, Presbyterian Moderator Rev Dr David Bruce, said he was “deeply disappointed and gravely concerned” at Wednesday night’s decision by TDs not to reject the ‘Dying with Dignity Bill’.
The Bill, he said, “raises fundamental questions about the value that is placed on human life in Ireland, something that we firmly believe to be a gift from God”.
“At the same time, we welcome the acknowledgement by the Government, in its failed amendment to the Bill, that there is no human right to access assisted suicide.”
Meanwhile, the Irish Catholic Bishops released a statement saying there is no such thing as a life without value. “We ask people to consider the manner in which assisted suicide and euthanasia undermines the whole ethos of healthcare. Doctors and nurses are called to be advocates for life and should never be required to assist in any way in the deliberate ending of life”.