The Citizens’ Assembly on gender equality will be established by the end of October [1] this year. According to the World Economic Forum, Ireland is already the eighth most gender-equal nation in the world, ahead of countries such as Denmark.
Earlier this month, the Dáil and Seanad passed legislation to allow the electoral register be used to select 99 voters to participate in the assembly which will have six months to complete its work.
The assembly on gender equality will ask members to consider the importance of early years parental care and co-responsibility for care, especially within the family.
Once its work is completed the chairperson, who has yet to be appointed, will report back to the Government with specific proposals on gender equality.
When the decision was formally made by Cabinet last month to establish a citizens’ assembly, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he wanted Ireland to be the “first country in the world where men and women are truly equal [2]“.