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CoI churches to be used as vaccination centres

The Church of Ireland has urged parishes throughout the dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough to volunteer suitable churches and parish buildings for use as mass Covid-19 vaccination centres [1].

In a message to parishes, Archbishop of Dublin Michael Jackson said: “Those responsible for the programme will be looking for suitable venues to administer the vaccine. If you and your select vestry or other governance body decide that the church building or the halls are suitable and safe for this purpose please express your interest.”

St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin 8 has offered its services as a mass vaccination centre. Dean William Morton confirmed the offer was made in recent days.

“We are aware that in the surrounding areas of the Liberties and the Coombe, large buildings were in short supply and if the need is there, we would like to help,” he said.

He also acknowledged that the cathedral, currently undergoing major refurbishment of its roof, had received support from the State in recent times.