The proposed Constitutional change on divorce might have the effect of further weakening the social commitment to marriage. That’s according to Bishop Kevin Doran of the Diocese of Elphin who released a pastoral message yesterday asking the people of his diocese to consider whether the liberalising of divorce law could have that effect.
He also expressed doubts about the State’s current commitment to marriage: “The important parallel question that we need to ask is whether society is living up to its responsibility to prioritise the family and to provide the human supports that might help couples to resolve difficulties that arise in their relationship, before their differences become irreconcilable.”
Meanwhile Bishop of Limerick Brendan Leahy has said that it would be shame to just tick a box for the upcoming referendum on divorce law without first considering the social context and challenges that marriages face today.
In a statement ahead of this weekend’s referendum, Bishop Leahy asked for consideration to be given to establishing a State agency specifically dedicated to marriage, the promotion of healthy marriages and support to marriages in trouble.