A top human rights court has thrown out a case against a Polish doctor who refused to carry out an abortion of a disabled unborn child, 24 weeks into a pregnancy.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the B.B. v. Poland decision unanimously declared the application inadmissible as the mother of the child had already reached an amicable settlement with the hospital in question, and had received substantial compensation.
According to one litigant, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), the decision is a blow to the main abortion lobbies who were “attacking the restrictions on access to abortion in Poland and the right to conscientious objection”.
They added that the lobby had “once again revealed its true face with this case, in particular its eugenic beliefs”.
“The doctor was publicly called by the Polish left ‘the incarnation of Satan’, a ‘possessed” person’, a ‘degenerate’ and a ‘person without conscience.’ He lost his position as hospital director because of this case. Finally, in 2020, the Constitutional Court of Poland declared eugenic abortion contrary to the human dignity guaranteed in the Constitution and consequently banned it”.