There is a ‘very real danger’ that the expression of Catholic beliefs could become a hate crime amid a ‘present culture of heightened sensitivity,’ the Catholic Church in Scotland has warned.
The comments come in the Church’s official submission to a Scottish Government consultation on proposed hate crime legislation.
In its response, the Church argued for upholding the fundamental right to freedom of expression, as “suppressing this freedom will create divisions and foster grievances across society.”
They continued: “There is a climate of heightened sensitivity in the present culture and there is a very real danger that expressing or even holding individual or collective opinions or beliefs will become a hate crime. . . . As an example, it said that ‘some people might suggest that expressing the Catholic Church’s position on marriage or human sexuality could be an attempt to stir up hatred.’”
They added: “This would obviously be wrong. There must be room for robust debate and exchange of views. Otherwise we become an intolerant, illiberal society.”