Family breakdown is leading reason for families going homeless

A breakdown in a relationship or a change in family circumstances was the most common reason families presented as homeless between April and June this year, says the Department of Housing.

As of Q2 2023, local authorities begun reporting the reasons for presentation cited by households who newly entered emergency accommodation in the most recent quarter.

Contrary to expectations, evictions did not account for the greatest number of family cases.

282 instances were due to “Relationship breakdown/Family Circumstance” while 181 were due to a “notice of termination”.

There were 972 cases of families entering homelessness in total.

As a result of the new data now being reported, the Department said that the total number of families presenting has risen by 24.5% on the last quarter (from 669 to 833). The net number of new families entering emergency accommodation has increased by 32.5% on the last quarter (from 363 to 481). The number of families prevented from entering emergency accommodation by means of a social housing support has increased by 15% on the last quarter (from 306 to 352).