Figures reveal only small minority of GPs facilitate abortion

Less than one in nine GPs are administering medical abortions, while just over half of the country’s maternity units carry out surgical terminations, over three years after they became legal here.

Since January 2019, abortions have been allowed for any reason during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, which is when the vast majority of terminations took place.

For the first nine weeks, they are allowed in GP surgeries.

According to Freedom of Information (FOI) figures released to Newstalk, only 405 GPs provide them.

There are about 3,500 GPs across the country – meaning over 88% do not.

Peigin Doyle from Sligo Action for ‘Reproductive Rights Access’ admits no Sligo GP has signed up for the HSE MyOptions website to provide medical abortions in that county.