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Five US states vote to confirm or expand abortion rights

Ballot initiatives to expand abortion passed in a number of US states on Election Day [1]. Some of the measures are even more permissive in their effects than the recently repealed Roe vs Wade ruling.

Americans in five states voted on the issue of abortion during the midterm elections on Tuesday. Three states — California, Michigan, and Vermont — proposed constitutional amendments to advance abortion. All three passed.

At the same time, citizens in Kentucky weighed a pro-life amendment and Montana voters considered a measure that promised to protect babies who are born alive after attempted abortions [2]. Kentucky voted ‘no’ to its pro-life measure. Montana’s results are still coming in, though the majority so far have rejected the additional protection for infants who survive abortion.

Some of the measures went beyond the already very liberal Roe v Wade abortion rights regime.

In Michigan, Proposal 3 would effectively “enshrine a right to abortion on demand up to birth [3]” and “remove parental-consent requirements for minors seeking . . . abortion, contraception, and sterilization”, according to journalist, Madeline Kearns.